MMXII-2024 Marvel not that I say unto you that you must be born again into the human condition MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicivm Dei

The Origins & Development of Faith JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft

The Holy Spirit is the God of this world and of all good people and their religions.   

Perhaps the greatest miracle of any ancient religion is its survival.

There are no limits to what Holy Spirit can do, MMXII: The New Eschatology. January 7,  2024 

Until the Holy Spirit has him thoroughly convinced Man tends to be like reluctant prophet, even resentful.   You see that aspect of Man in Jonah, Malachi and many of the Prophets.  That character is also inside you. MMXII: The New Eschatology. January 7,  2024 

I ask myself, “would a common psychologist write a new book of Revelation?”   I would say no, but a prophet would.  MMXII: The New Eschatology. January 7,  2024 

If the Holy Spirit  does not take command of the world’s militaries, he is not the Lord of Hosts and the man who pretends “the Christ” is not God………………..In this case psychologists and psychiatrists would have a case in declaring a man who claims to be God insane or schizophrenic.   The authority of psychology & psychiatry  has failed now for more than 12 years to put away Man.   That tells me something and should tell you something as well.


Earth is a place of learning.  It is a serious place.  How we shape our humanness is important to our earthly experience.  You all with confidence can be assured God will always judge Nazis, militant communists, corrupt democracy, satanists, anarchists and cultists who make the human condition their personal playground, and an ongoing experiment.

The more we help each other and better we make our earth for each other the less we will suffer in the human condition.

Section 1

Greetings and warm welcome to the Origins and Development of Faith. I send greetings to the blob “the human condition” a collective of people who keep their feet firmly on the ground and their minds focused on their life’s daily tasks, a collective of souls born into environments filled with cultures of old souls who were born again and some of whom have come again to believe in God and some who have not.

What causes a born again soul not to believe in God? Usually suffering, teaching, conditioning & coaching. It is certainly not natural to be an atheist, especially if a soul is raised in a caring loving home or positive environment which believes in God as opposed a tyrannical environment which believes in God.  Followers of God can be very tyrannical, but that can be a symptom of secret cult activity like a Freemason man who says he worships Jesus and turns his boys into bisexual or homosexual alcoholics.

Let us look now at how the human conditions manifest and sustain faith in Holy Spirit  the original Tree of Life and a metaphor from the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden.

Happy and blessed are those who love their Holy Spirit who became the souls of the first Man and Woman with the intention of leading us on Earth like in Heaven.   The result of this are many religions which hold God in the Highest esteem by many different names, both man and woman. Religion, as our Holy Spirit has taught us through men and women, is about keeping touch with Heaven through prayer.  Heaven is our first home and the ways of Heaven far superior to those of Earth.

And so the human condition is challenged to remember Heaven their first home, by the business of life.  And so for this we have religion to help us along until it is time again to return home and a big part of religion is by prayer.  Praying for the wisdom of Heaven to help us on earth is perhaps the favored prayer of the angelic host, that would be you.   Wisdom is the greatest of gifts that our Holy Spirit could give us when we ask for it in prayer.

Prayer is considered one of our first rituals and bathing and keeping clean is another.  And so to such ends on earth,  we have through its manifestations and teaching’s recognized  our Holy Spirit as God, both Man & Woman and as a result attach them to our planet as Gods and Saints sent to save us and minister to us while we all together travel through time and through various races all of which represent the human condition.

Through Man and Woman and their offspring  (men and women)  the Holy Spirit ordered the human condition into small then into larger settlements with laws of conduct to govern us laws which some of us call commandments because they are mandatory and have always been the principle measure of our existence.

The human condition as a scattering of human settlements made  of flesh and bone  was in its beginnings was quite new but now it is very old and ancient, but we existed in it and continue to move in and out of blob called the human condition.    How could we not.

And so flesh and bone our physical appearance defines us only for a short time which makes our souls, our eternal naturals, fantastic things which ravel through time and space and into dimensions the mortal flesh can’t pass into.

Intuitively we know that we have existed and it can been seen in progressive writings  men and women.  Today we boast of our progression.  We measure our progress today consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously because we intuitively know we are progression of the same human condition with responsibilities inside any sector of humanity inside which today find ourselves.

Our Holy Spirit is the God who has no name, but who is known and loved by many names in as many religions as approved by the Holy Spirit.

God is the Heavenly title given to our Holy Spirit who lives in all of us, our souls are made from Holy Spirit stuff.  Our souls are little Holy Spirits.  The soul is a marvelous work of metaphysical supernatural engineering created to fuse with a tiny organic mitosis of dividing cells, a  collective of D.N.A.,  the end result of semen an aggressive life form, when it fuses and fertilizes the egg of a woman a passive life form.

As a collective, our souls create families and extended families, cultures and communties of human flesh,  mortal bodies into which souls enter in and out of and thus making the Heavenly Family the basis for conduct inside an earthy family, a mix of souls whom in Heaven we come to know as souls who we shared time with on earth as well as in Heaven.   The soul goes on forever, taking on new bodies, growing in depth and wisdom with each passing life they live.

Normal life creates human conditions situations of existence ordered by laws to proper conduct.  Two people, a man and  a woman are capable of creating a huge family which rapidly multiplies.

Let us imagine there are three islands close together and one large family and group of people on each island.  Each island began from a unique couple and pairing and now the three islands are three large human conditions which perpetuate their genetics through standard practices of living.  The offspring of the original couple venture to each other’s Islands to find mates and continue adding to the human condition or simply to socialize.  Existence on earth or in Heaven is always family affair.

From Heaven the souls look down and see three more human conditions into which their souls might be born into.   Marvel not that I say unto you that you must be born again into the human condition

Section 2 

Our human condition is divided into sections where political creeds and faith make cultures of people into an abstract canvass,  unique portraits of humanity each in their own place,  A composition of humans some of whom have taken on a creed which might be working to kill them and terrorize them  while others cling to a religious creed which appeals to them without fear of punishment from a good and loving Holy Spirit.

Let us first look at political creeds and conspiracies that we have carved into the human condition and pass on to each other or attempt to keep inside the human condition to keep life dangerous and sexually immoral at the same time.

Negatively Charged Human Conditions

Militant LGTBQ,  militant atheism, satanism or its equivalent, freemasonry, corrupted democracy, militant communism, militant socialism, anarchism, white supremacy, English Socialism, totalitarianism, oligarchies, despotism are negatively charged  human conditions.   The cult militants of these  human conditions work to keep life dangerous and immoral.

Once known as our History of Greek Religion, Greek religion has now been altered with so many sacrifices that it is no longer religion and called Greek Mythology, a heresy where men keep drunk, sometimes sacrfices and cannibalize children and have sex with each other.

What was once Greek Religion an excellent history of the Gods and stories of moral judgment and excellent philosophical and civilized life, has turned into a Greek Fraternal nightmare with regular alcoholism, destructive fires, and cult rituals which traffic in children for sacrifices and men who sexually conspire against other men and young boys to turn them into bisexuals and gay men.  The cult militants of these  human conditions work to keep life dangerous and immoral.

All of these above seem to overshadow our existence and in some cases work to override the moral principles which we cling to in our religious existence where a different human condition exists.

Before going into our formalized religious conditions, informal religion still exists, natural religion e.g.  people believing in Holy Spirit as the God of nature, Mother Earth.

These are our first responder human conditions

(Category 3)

First responder religion, that oath we take as a military man, a police officer, a firefighter, a special agent,   a doctor or a nurse, a government worker to serve and protect the public trust and to save lives.

These are our religious human conditions

(Category 4)

7th Day Adventists, Amish, Ana Baptists,  Avestan, Baptist, Baháʼísts, Buddhist,  Catholic, Christian, Christian Scientists, Confucianists, Congregationalists, Episcopalian, Evangelicals, Free Evangelicals, Hindu, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Judaeo, Judaeo Christian, Krishnas, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodist, Mormons, Muslim, Native American Natural Religion,  Pentecostal, Protestant, Orthodox Christianity, Orthodox Judaism, Orthodox Muslims,  Sikhs, Taoists.

The religious human conditions which we ourselves have helped to carve out on earth seem to be dominated by God the Father religions.  God the Father is  Our Holy Spirit a Father and Mother of many nations and many human conditions.  Before Jesus, God the Father and God the Mother, the Goddess both enjoyed patronage.

The Goddess has enjoyed recognition as the Holy Spirit. She has many names in as many religions which through history were approved.  The Holy Spirit must approve which manifestations of itself,  Man or Woman will become a religion.  I find it interesting that our Holy Spirit approves Jesus as a religion, but keeps the Goddess very close to us in Catholic faith.  We shall never be rid of her.

I can say with some confidence that  through the Virgin Mary, our Holy Spirit has quietly humbly kept the Goddess going without saying I am the Goddess “worship me.”  God or Goddess requires no worship only obedience and our Holy Spirit God and Goddess reminds you again today do not to hurt or sacrifice animals, children, women or men to God, or Goddess, idol or statue.  Do not conspire against others in any manner or form and work to help each other.

Lastly we worship the Holy Spirit even God or Goddess of our own free will and are not forced.     Some people worship God and pay their tribute to the goodness of Heaven by dedicating their existence to saving lives.  Our Holy Spirit God and Goddess has different names in different religions, e.g. Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, Krishn et al.

For men or women who need the Goddess, the Virgin Mary is the most moral and acceptable version of the Goddess and she supports the work of the “Christ” , or the Messiah, God himself, but  she herself is a Matron, a heroine, and also a savior to whom Catholics pray to.   The Christ is mostly known as Jesus or Krishna, as Moses messiah or the deliverer.

God the Father and our Heavenly Mother the Goddess are frequently turned into devils.   They are not devils and sacrificed to. This is a problem in the human condition.

Our Goddess like our God, are Judges who require no sacrifices be made to them.

The Goddess has many legends of Judgment but non are more frightening than Medusa a woman of great beauty and power. Medusa is a left over story of Judgment which no longer reflects to former glory.

In the altered story of Medusa.  Queen Athena turns against Medusa and story ends with men chopping off the Medusa’s head as vengeance for her Judgment.  Athena is only one of many altered histories typical of today’s human condition the aberration known as Greek Mythology.   Athena was a woman of tolerance, a mother Hen who took care of her little chicks and was not quick to destroy her little chicks for the causes of immoral men who helped to shape and corrupt them.

Holy Spirit God and Goddess

Led fashioned, formed and awoken by the Holy Spirit,  God and Goddess continually judge and bring order to our earth.  Blessed is our Holy Spirit who has no name but whom is known and loved by many names all over the world in as many religions which it has approved.

Human Conditions

(Category 5)

Musicians and talented and gifted human organic carbon base units are spread throughout our world and can be identified and also cultivated, but nothing amazes more than observing souls blessed for their manifestation on earth with natural abilities in music  or with intelligence to help boost on help the human race.

The world’s most intelligent and gifted humans become doctors and teachers, but they are also work in government and if not cult, or dedicated to aggression, they are sometimes repressed and kept from becoming a president or the dictator because they are not part of a secret society or inner party dedicated to less than ideal human principles.

Section 4 

it is not forbidden to create Heaven on earth.  You can create Heaven on earth by not hurting or conspiring against each other.  Today we are going to introduce the new eschatology for existing on earth, but first some review.

Today’s session the “New Eschatology”seeks to understand how  “escalating” events lead to the Judgment of civilizations and societies.

You are all the angels the Heaven and that should be enough for you.  You are all capable of acting like saints but a saint represents God on earth and you are not gods, but made in God’s image. That should be enough for you.   This is a saint just below.

The Virgin Mary is the Holy Spirit of Woman. We confuse the Holy Spirit and think it is an Angel. You are all the angels of Heaven.
ESPIRITVS SANCTVS FEMINA The Virgin Mary is the Holy Spirit of Woman. The Mother of God. Only the Holy Spirit can be the mother of God. We confuse the Holy Spirit and think it is an angel and have created angelic lore. You are all the angels of Heaven. On this earth you shall live strive and be born again.

The halo means she is the Holy Spirit.

Here is another

ESPIRITVS SANCTVS HOMINIS Saint Nicolas is the Holy Spirit of Man. “The Christ” and the return of Jesus, Jehovah. Other religions might claim him as the return of their prophet and they would not be wrong.

 God our Father and our Heavenly Mother are the greatest of us.  We call them God, Goddess, Prophets, Holy Spirits, and Saints.  You once had a perfect list of manifestations of the Holy Spirit including black saints, but cult men altered them.   God,  Man & Woman,  is our Judge and advocate  before the Holy Spirit and in religion people pray to both God the Father and the Heavenly Mother.    They also pray directly to the Holy Spirit.    It depends on the religion and both ways are correct.

The Origins & Development of Faith JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum