Definition: INGSOC

The Origins & Development of Faith JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft


INGSOC is the abbreviation for the science and philosophy of English Socialism, the new Nazism.

Its  “Oceania” and dystopic qualities are manifested in many countries around the world, especially in 3rd world countries dubbed secretly as nations which Nazis will never allow citizens of ethnic countries  to enjoy the same luxuries as whites and are committed to economic disparity, ethnic cleansing and war to keep nations subdued.   It is seem in the world through mass media. Mass media, with the help of government websites which INGSOC controls,  has a “Big Brother” effect for every nation. The “Big Brother” effect means that the leaders presented in mass media are not real.  They have previously died or perished in the judgment of God. Some nations have more than one “Big Brother effect” running simultaneously.

In the same manner mass media is used to propagate a “Big Brother effect,”  mass media also use psychological strategies, athletes and important people who have fallen to the illusion of “Big Brother effect,” so people  do not detect a communist socialist invasion, one that creeps up on mass media, can be seen on government websites,  but which gets judged by God daily.


INGSOC 1. a syllabic abbreviation for English Socialism the spreading of Nazi white supremacy to English speaking nations. 2. the spreading of Nazi white supremacy to non English speaking nations, usually through a communist and socialist INGSOC platform. 3.   International Nazi German, white supremacy, socialism and communism, spread, encouraged and helped by international Freemasonry who helped Germany rebuild German freemason lodges after WWII to continue white supremacy operations.  4 A totalitarian oligarchy and ruthless dictatorship.   5.  The fictional ruling party of the totalitarian state of Oceania, in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, which was published in 1949 just after World. War II.  6.  An international Freemason sponsored organization and system of white supremacy which traffics in children, corrupts men and women and is responsible for the wrongful deaths, torture and disappearances of millions of  children, women and men.


Exegesis 1

INGSOC 1. a syllabic abbreviation for English Socialism which is in fact Nazi Germany Socialism or generally speaking classical Nazism by way of international Freemasonry, Professional Communism and their anarchist    and Neo nazi associates a form of prison culture white supremacy.    see also Professional Atheism.

INGSOC is called English Socialism to encourage the spread of white supremacy to English Speaking Nations.  INGSOC thinking has created a totalitarian Oligarchy in China. Chinese communism is actually INGSOC’s greatest expression. The Chinese have suffered immensely because of INGSOC thinking.  Very subdued the Chinese have been made by Big Brother and tyrannical assaults set again them.   China just may’ve been INGSOC’s first experiment made only to succeed by Chairman Mao Chinas foremost “Big Brother,” then by the ruling Party afterwards.

Let us look at funeral of Chairman Mau.  I pray that it bless you and give you love for China, a country your souls have passed through more than once.

China is  a totalitarian oligarchy  a government run by only a few and in which the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control, for example, a dictatorship.


The Nazis, a powerful international white supremacy force, were kept alive by  International Freemasonry who helped rebuild German Freemason Lodges After World War II and resume international white supremacy operations.  INGSOC is thus a clandestine Freemason organization which uses the George Orwell’s Book 1984 as an escape goat as well as their inspirational guide.   INGSOC hate has been cleverly and subtly directed at Americans who under God have been protected from the full measure of Nazi’s counter hate and insurgency.


(AH) Alternate Histories

Another aspect of INGSOC are (AH) their alternate histories.  The white supremacy historians erase, ignore, explain away or alter history and records to their benefit. They would even go as far as saying white supremacy is manifest destiny made possible by Providence and the judgment of God.  The truth, however, is revealed by the judgment of God which judges white supremacy  ten times out of ten.



For INGSOC, America is a prize. The United States has had the greatest success against white supremacy, but you would not know it because its failures are enhanced in books and news, more than its successes. White supremacy and the baggage it comes with is far older than just World War II.

Glory 1989

 In American film INGSOC is reflected a lot and responses to it are also reflected.

INGSOC loves serial killer, zombies, horror, cult and doomsday media films and concepts.

The good thing is the Holy Spirit makes sure their end of the world aspirations do not come true all the way.  There are limits in the Universe which make sure life will never be totally destroyed by humans under any conditions.

The Templin Institute is rich in dictatorship videos.  It is clever and this YouTube account alone you can become an expert in INGSOC which is modern white supremacy

Some popular response videos, films & scenes

Romance Films embraced by INGSOC but not ngeccearrily made by them  include but are not limited to.

INGSOC also inspires serious lectures about heresy such as this one by INGERSOLL called the Sacrificing of Children on the altar of Moloch 

INGSOC uses good people to corrupt and operate false central governments. They are ruthless global conspiracy.  When democracy is corrupted, the people will think they have a voice and do not; or if they do, the leaders  are corrupt.  If the leaders have been judged by God INGSOC & their associates just ignores it and still use their political footage and even makeup new footage.  The creation of puppet regimes or false leaders is nothing new.   By false leaders we mean they do not exist, but their images and personas are used to control people and make people think they do exist.

This deception in corruption is a move toward creating a corrupt government and eventual INGSOC  communist socialist dictatorship.  Its blunder is that it is very atheist and satanic and by experience we have seen it decline sufficiently that life has continued.  Though Super Bowls, World Series and Olympics have been played under the illusion of government, it is not the same as if governments were real. The World Crown was established so that you would know the Holy Spirit is what keeps our world stable, despite ruthless men and women wanting economic and political power.

2 INGSOC is the fictional ruling party of the totalitarian state of Oceania, in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, which was published in 1949 just after World. War II.

Exegesis 2

The group Ingsoc is not so fictional. They are another way to evaluate the current problems in mass media, political news, and general information.  They are into writing fictional histories and scripts and making them come to life using computer generated virtual politicians to continue their control of business, education, organizational and government websites, as well as television, radio, news and information.  Some might say this organization founded on the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell is a hidden form of Nazi & Soviet white supremacy,  East Berlin style.

This group once had many paramilitaries under their auspicious and were themselves a paramilitary organization.  Their highest patrons used and controlled many charities and are always making up new ones. They   attained a sort of unhealthy satisfaction by getting the public to pay for the crimes they intend to inflict on them later.  The understood agreements between political officials and industrial men of secret societies with paramilitaries, because they are illegal, is that they have to fund themselves.  That means they have to do anything to raise money for “the cause of white supremacy.” This includes selling arms and distributing arms, selling drugs, espionage, and even stealing money.

In the past paramilitaries had protection from men who belonged to German and Anglo-Saxon secret societies such as Freemasons who were once the most richest and powerful political and industrial men in the world.  However, it was hard to connect the two.  And in a critical situation the world’s most power men would distance themselves from a a paramilitary which became uncontrollable.   To deal with a problematic paramilitary force they would used their wealth, power, the law, other paramilitaries and sometimes the military itself to eliminate a troublesome paramilitary unit .

Ingsoc is a is method of thinking that holds average people in contempt, especially Americans.  Ingsoc is based on Communist & Nazi revenge for the Cold War and World War II. Their media is very menacing and relentless e.g. coronavirus, political and horror media.

As our situation and the judgment of God escalated many people became  paramilitary, whole infrastructures of people and used media and big name organizations, charities, fundraisers, initiatives, and work to control government and major businesses.

Inside them dark and gloomy men and women exists who live for war, for Germany, for Russia and most importantly for white supremacy which extends across Europe, the United Kingdom, into the middle east, Africa, Asia and North, Central  and South America.

High priest and Grand master wizards are found in them.  Their vision of a dark world filled with war,  gloomy metropolises, gothic utopias can bee seen and studied at the Templin Institute an advanced paramilitary, alternate history, comic book expression of a more carefully developed Ingsoc and German socialist concept which tries in some of their videos to resemble the U.S. Military, but they are not the U.S. Military.

Using their influence and control of government, wars, civil wars, revolutions, reprisals and acts of terror and heavy drama, Ingsoc psychologically and physically batters the lives and minds of people around the world.

In their paradise and vision of the world, kids and peoples are “proles” drones and they also  traffic in humans and children, Understood is their need to think the destruction of the United States is taking place. They fantasize about the decline and destruction of United States in their fiction all the time.  Their fiction is filled with all these stories about Americans fighting for their freedom in a country that looks like Germany after the World War II.

INGSOC keeps their presence and their teachings alive using  the novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell, which was published in 1949 just after World. War II; as well as a comic book style approach inside thousands of websites.

The latest organizational intelligence is a secret directive word called Newspeak.  The word is a message to INGSOC operatives that a new way speaking, writing and communicating is needed.  A basic search for INGSOC using google revealed this word “Newspeak” which is dated to the 1949 publishing of  George Orwell, but used as a modern directive even in 2021.

Newspeak was entered into Merriam Websters fairly recently.  To reward their labor,  this paramilitary organization was inducted as a villain at ACBS Angelcraft Comic Book Strips.  The organization however, is not comical and very perceptive.  They will change names and communication strategies and are determined to succeed making them a very dangerous and clandestine paramilitary organization which only God can bring to justice.

One of their goals in AH, is to make future generations think the Internet like we know it today, has been around much longer.  A whole different technology infrastructure under TCC The Crown Corporation and the World Crown must be considered. It will cost a fraction to reproduce what we have achieved the last 75 years since World War II.


Alternate Histories

The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, sets the tempo of  this organization dedicated to English Socialism.  In it, Orwell attempts to predict and write the future as he envisioned it and today his disciples do the same trying desperately in film to make it come to life, but the judgment of God and the active presence of our Holy Spirit limit them and the harm that they want to do to people-.

INGSOC, Freemasonry’s comic book and organizational fiction dare to rewrite the past and not with the best intentions. Inside their organizational fiction and science fiction there are very real communist socialist atheist plans which did not expect the  Judgment of God to step in.  Nevertheless their operatives are very much into alternate histories and rewriting real history slowly to the point it will not be recognized in the future.  They are not only  capable of changing the public record, but they will lie in conspiracy and will use websites, television, the radio and the internet until the public believes them. Their use of fiction and science fiction to communicate makes life difficult for the business of fiction and science fiction and for normal people who like fiction and science fiction, the original fantasyland which became accepted only recently these last several hundred years.

These men and women who control critical technology still,  love to live in fiction.  Some may have polarized and believe in their heads to be living inside world that does not exist. Their operatives are pathological liars, do not like to tell the truth and they have control of government, organizational, business and educational websites.   These operatives are like children living inside a classically conditioned world taught to them by their guardians, parents or people who raised them.  If that world is not available to them, they try to recreate it using state of art computer  technology and their control of real business, organizational, educational and government websites, political news and general information. They are part of the reason you see false leaders in the  news and coronavirus masks and alarming warnings on everything. That is their world.

Their world is one of inescapable terror where murder and mass murder is a creed:  Their world is one where a ruthless military is looked upon as saviors and heroes.  Using a specialized approached, fiction and science fiction, these operatives want to provoke a war while pretending be a new British/American alliance like World War II however they resemble little the original alliance.

The Origins & Development of Faith JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum


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