Definition: Fraternity (n)

The Origins & Development of Faith JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft

Fraternity (n)

Fraternity (n). 1. a  group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest, or pleasure: such as a fraternal order; 2. a  guild, association secret society such as  a men’s student organization formed chiefly for social purposes having secret rites such as hazing rituals. 3. a name consisting of Greek letters; 4.. a student organization for scholastic, professional, or extracurricular activities e.g. a debating fraternity. 5: the quality or state of being brothers e.g. brotherliness 6: a secret order of men who share the same character and tastes e.g.  the Freemasons


Fraternities, their crimes and religious rites  have pressed our world into a tribulation of God.


Freemasonry Information 

International Freemasons at their highest ranks are adherents of the principles of Nazi White Supremacy. This is perhaps international Freemasonry’s greatest secret.  Death & suffering is the goal of many their conspiracies.  The same masonic influences and conspiracies of corruption and death which we see in democracy, are also seen in communism, socialism, monarchies, theocracies & dictatorships.  Masonic thinking is oligarch, dystopic, despotic, and only democratic to a certain point. Masonic thinking is dedicated to world domination and believe themselves to be “The New World Order.”

Related writings: Fraternity, Moloch & the Sacred Fire  

Hard Truths on Human Rights

Associated : 

According to Webster’s Dictionary the word  “satanism” (n) is found in 1565 however it is older.– Its most cherished mechanisms are tyranny, oppression, military aggression…..

Communism (Freemasonry, atheism, military aggression and satanism is found in communism)

Democracy (Corrupted) Freemasonry, atheism, military aggression and satanism is found in Democracy, but in the United States of America, compared to Russia and Nazi Germany, the aggression is more curtailed due to a higher level of education in the average citizen)

English Socialism:  (Freemasonry, atheism, military aggression and satanism is found in Socialism)

Socialism (Freemasonry, atheism, military aggression and satanism is found in communism)

Nazism   (Freemasonry, atheism, military aggression and satanism is found in communism)

The Origins & Development of Faith JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum


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